Wednesday, January 7, 2015

We Were In Love: Chapter 22 (Part 1)

Chapter 22
After a hesitation, Ji Sung still decides to give the ticket to Ha Ji Won

“This is the ticket for Ji Chang Wook musical, he asks me to give you Ji Won”

Ha Ji Won is sitting in front of the window, her mood now is still so confused, she doesn’t want to see Ji Chang Wook at this time. 

“I won’t go…ignore it”
“Really? But he said will wait until you come…”

Ji Sung is too scandalous, he deliberates not telling Ha Ji Won that Ji Chang Wook will settle in Japan. Ha Ji Won has a little surprised but she is still persisted with her decision.
“That is his business…”  
Listening her answer, Ji Sung is happy to tear the ticket in front of her.
“Ok, don’t care about it anymore. Tonight… could we have dinner together? I have one thing to give you Ji Won.”
“What is that?” Ha Ji Won is curious to ask.
“An important thing to me…Actually I want to give you long time ago, will you come?”
“Yes I will.”

Ji Sung is very satisfied with her answer, seems everything is happening according to his plan. 

At this time, Ji Chang Wook is staying at home to prepare something for the life in Japan for him and Shi Woo. Mrs Lee enters the room from outside with Shi Woo, seeing this situation she can’t hold her tears.

“Master, you really must do like that.”
“If not…do I have any way else...Ji Won will never return to my side again.”

Ji Chang Wook is tired to sit on the bed. Must leave this place, he really couldn’t bear. Shi Woo is curious to look at Ji Chang Wook, he doesn’t understand why his father has that expression and why Mrs Lee crying…he suddenly runs to hug his legs.
Seeing that, Ji Chang Wook feels better, he picks his up to put on the thigh.
“Shi Woo, do you want to console me, don’t you?” Ji Chang Wook is gently stroking his hair. And he continue talking though he knows at this age Shi Woo still doesn’t understand anything at all.
“We are going to leave this place to Japan and have a good life there, do you want to go with me, my son?”
The baby boy widens his innocent eyes to look at his father’s muttering and don’t know why he nods his head unconsciously. 

“Assh…my dear Shi Woo.”

Time for performance.

“President, please come in, time to go…”
“Okay I know, just want to stay outside for a while.”
“Yeah, so please come in after half an hour”

Ji Chang Wook waits so long but doesn’t see Ha Ji Won coming at all. He gets too disappointed but anyway he has to return the stage to play piano because there are many audiences waiting for him.

On the stage, Ji Chang Wook could only express his sadness over the track, how poignant and sorrowful the sound is. Perhaps the song is too mournful that some listeners are crying. It’s also like the mood of Ji Chang Wook at now, he is crying in his heart too. 

The music ends in the cheers and unremitting applauses from the audience but there is no smile on Ji Chang Wook’s face. He is looking down the crowd as if trying to look for something.

At Jiwonderland group
“President, today we have a meeting with a foreign partner, they suddenly want to see us to talk about the new business this night, I think we should go…”
“What’s problem President?”
“Ah…nothing, just do as you said”

For the business, Ji Sung always put it on top, he thinks it’s okay to ask Ha Ji Won wait him for a while.
“I have some extraordinary works, just a moment I will come immediately”
After sending message to Ha Ji Won, Ji Sung goes for the meeting.

At the restaurant, Ha Ji Won waiting for Ji Sung two hours without knowing that Ji Chang Wook is waiting for her like that.
Suddenly Ha Ji Won thinks about Ji Chang Wook, about the short of time she stays beside him. Though she hates something he did to her but also can’t resist to think about him as well. 
“It’s too late…maybe his musical already ended…”
While thinking, a waitress is coming to ask her.

“Excuse me Ms Ha, would you like to order the food first?”
“Oh no, thanks…perhaps Ji Sung Oppa won’t come so I leave right now.”

Because Ji Sung is the VIP member at this restaurant so they don’t bother if he cancels the reservation.
“Oh no problem, but it’s raining…later I will give you an umbrella.”
“Yeah thank you so much…but do you know the way to Glorious?”

The waitress is a bit surprised, shouldn’t she go to Jiwonderland? But she doesn’t dare to ask much.

“Yes I know, let me give you the address.”

Ha Ji Won smiles to thank her again then starts going to Glorious.

When already reach Glorious, Ha Ji Won sees that not too many people there. Seems the performance ended so everyone left. Ha Ji Won is hesitant standing in front of the door for a while then moves her step slowly to inside.

“Weird…why this place looks too familiar …”
Ha Ji Won feels impossible, it looks like she used to come here many times. Though no one is leading the way, she could still go to the hall easily. 

But when closer the hall, Ha Ji Won hears that a sound emanating from there, she is curious to enter the hall’s door. Unpredictably, she sees a person playing piano there, no one else but Ji Chang Wook.

Ha Ji Won is totally surprised because the performance already ended for a long time but Ji Chang Wook is still here. No lights in the hall at all, just only one on the stage where Ji Chang Wook keeps playing piano. 

Ha Ji Won looks like being mesmerized to stare on the stage. A similar image appeared in her head suddenly but at that time seems she was sitting at the audiences…
While Ha Ji Won is sunk in the thoughts, Ji Chang Wook’s voice rings out.
“I know you will come …Ji Won”

The lights in the hall are turned on and the music ends as well. Ji Chang Wook slowly walks towards Ha Ji Won then stops in front of her.

“I…I’m just…” Ha Ji Won stammers to reply.

Ji Chang Wook smiles tenderly to look at her.
“Do you remember? Before you had been here to watch me that time we still haven’t had Shi Woo…every day we had a meal together, really too happy.” 

Every word Ji Chang Wook saying as a hammer pounding in her head, the chaotic images are appearing in her head that she could not absorb well. Ji Chang Wook doesn’t notice that Ha Ji Won behaving strangely because he is sunk in his happy memories. 

“Don’t…don’t talk anymore…” Ha Ji Won suddenly holds her head then runs away.

Ji Chang Wook doesn’t understand why she reacts like that and could only chase her with the anxiety. 

“Ji Won…Ha Ji Won…” he is both chasing and calling her name.
Running in the cold rain, it can’t make Ha Ji Won more serene but even more confusing while Ji Chang Wook is trying to chase behind. Ha Ji Won just plugs to the run without notices that a car is speeding ahead. Seeing that, Ji Chang Wook at the behind gets panic

“Be careful…Ji Won…”

But at this time how Ha Ji Won can hear his voice, she is still running constantly.

When the car almost hit Ha Ji Won, Ji Chang Wook tries his best to rush out to hug her to fall down on the street. But fortunately, the car stops at the right time.

“What a bunch of crazy! you want to die…damn it!”

The driver is too angry, he goes off the car to shout out loud at two of them. Ji Chang Wook could only keep saying sorry to him, the driver curses more few sentences then leaves while Ha Ji Won and Ji Chang Wook are still lying on the street…in the rain.

Seeing Ha Ji Won is still remaining motionless situation, Ji Chang Wook is very worried to help her sit up then ask.

“Ji Won…are you fine?”

Till this time, Ha Ji Won just recovers her mentality, she turns around to look at Ji Chang Wook.

“Chang Wook?”
“Yes, it’s me…do you get injured?...let me see…”

While still rambling Ji Chang Wook suddenly stops, he can’t believe to stare at Ha Ji Won.

“You…you…recognize me, don’t you?”

Ha Ji Won is both crying and smiling, she nods.

“Yes…you are Ji Chang Wook, my husband and Shi Woo’s father…so sorry, I have just remembered all.”

Ji Chang Wook is really happy as crazy, he hugs her tightly. 

“It’s so good Ji Won, finally your memories already returns…”
“So sorry…Chang Wook” Ha Ji Won also hugs him back.
“Ji Won, everything is fine now…later we will never get separated again.”
“Uh.” Ha Ji Won chokes to answer him, her tears is mingling with the rain
“Alright, let’s back home, it’s raining so heavy…Ashhhh…”

When talking, Ji Chang Wook suddenly shrieks up to embrace his arm.

“Chang Wook…how are you?”

Seem earlier, Ji Chang Wook was afraid of Ha Ji Won head being bumped so he used his hands to cover it and the result his arms got injured. 

“Oh my! Your arms are bleeding…” Ha Ji Won is bewildered to check his wounds.
But Ji Chang Wook seems doesn’t care at all, he wants to reassure her.

“Oh…no problem, just some skin wounds…”
“No way…let’s go to the hospital”

Though Ji Chang Wook tries to show her he is fine but Ha Ji Won still pulls him to the hospital for testing.

Well then the doctor says that his wounds are not too heavy, just gives them a prescription then asks Ji Chang Wook to rest for a while is okay. On the way out of the hospital, Ji Chang Wook laughs to tease Ha Ji Won. 

“See I told but you don’t believe me…now go home Ji Won”
“Hmm…could we go to this place first?”

Ji Chang Wook stops to look at her


Ha Ji Won just smiles but doesn’t talk anything that makes Ji Chang Wook feels strange.

Meanwhile, Ji Sung receives an anonymous letter from someone. Ji Sung is very curious to open the parcel and so surprised to see that are the intimate pictures of Ji Chang Wook and Bayan on the bed when they were at Jeju
“Hahaha…Ji Chang Wook…let see this time what would you say?...haha…”
Seems Ji Sung can’t control his crazy laughter, even his face looks too sinister. But when he is sinking into the delusion Ha Ji Won appears at his house, he pretends to scold her.

“Ji Won where did you go…don’t you know I’m very worry…”
“Of course she must stay together with her husband”

Ji Chang Wook suddenly appears in front of Ji Sung makes him so surprised. 

“Why are you here? What did you do to Ji Won?”
“Don’t show yourself as the victim like that, Ji Won already remembered all.” 

Ji Sung seems a bit startled but he tries to keep calm.
“So what then? Before Ji Won agreed to marry you because she wanted to save me…I’m the person she loves the most…it’s you destroy our love…” the last sentence he shouts out loud as if going to make a fight.

Ji Chang Wook is not so comfortable to listen these words, anyway that’s true. From the beginning, it’s him forced Ha Ji Won for the marriage. Ha Ji Won senses Ji Chang Wook mood is not good, at this time she wants to talk to Ji Sung about their problem. 

“Stop here…Ji Sung, that things already went to the past and now I’m Chang Wook wife and mother of Shi Woo…give up. I will not care about you lied to me…just hope we will never see again, that’s all.”

And then she and Ji Chang Wook are going to leave but Ji Sung seems will not let them go easily.

“You are so cruel Ji Won...So let see how did your husband treat you…”

Ji Sung throws out the pictures of Ji Chang Wook and Bayan at Jeju Island. Ha Ji Won countenance becomes pale when seeing these photos and Ji Chang Wook’s is not better than her too while Ji Sung is smirking. 

“This is person you love…he betrayed you and…”
Though very annoying but with previous footsteps, Ha Ji Won won’t believe Ji Sung again.

“Enough, I don’t wan’t to hear anything from you…and one more thing, I will resign at Jiwonderland, don’t disturb me more.”

Said then Ha Ji Won leaves and Ji Chang Wook follows her, just leave Ji Sung alone with dark face. 

to be continued...

Source: Empress Ki- Ha Ji Won and Ji Chang Wook FB
Credit: ji changwook_ssi fb
Edit: Sharon
Pictures credit: as tagged, to owner

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate your support on this.
    Look forward to hearing from you soon.
    I’m happy to answer your questions, if you have any.





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